Thursday, 31 January 2013

Thriller Movie Timline (Ricardo)

In today's lesson I created a timeline for a mainstream thriller film in order to pin-point exactly where certain titles or names would appear on screen. The film that I had chosen to analyse was 'Panic Room' this would mean looking very closely at anything I see during the opening sequence that would be important to put on the timeline. I would also made by my teacher to create another timeline for another thriller film, although I have not decided on the film yet, so this is my next task.

Todays Lesson (Akshay)

Today we discussed about re-locating our location where we were going to film, due to some unfortunate events that took place in our group. We decided that we would film at my house instead of Antonio's house.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Animatic Storyboard from YouTube

Our Animatic Storyboard is an outline of the clips we are using for our Thriller Opening Scene, this is our final draft of it after several configurations.

Today''s Lesson 25/1/2013 (Ricardo)

In today's lesson I was looking at existing mainstream thriller openings in order to further explore the way in which the text is included into the opening title. I looked at the films 'Memento' and 'Se7en' both of these thriller films have the name of the title right at the beginning of the opening sequence. This gave me an ispiration of how and when to place the text during our actuall thriller sequence, also how it should be presented.

Todays Lesson (Antonio)

In todays lesson we as a group decided the day of which we are going to finish filming our thriller opening scene. We chose that on Friday would be when our opening scene would be fully finished and we cant start editing. I have also nearly completed the soundtrack for our opening scene, where i have used Audacity to produce the soundtrack. I have created a piece of music lasting around 20 seconds but then produced a loop with more effects in certain places to add drama and feeling to certain parts of the opening scene.

We also decided on new and improved camera shots we could incorporate into the final part of our opening scene so that we are fully prepared and are able to go out and film straight away effectively without having to plan on set. Some of the shots we are now considering to use it a shot reverse during the car scene when a conversation between the boss and Frank.

We are then going to try and place a zoom in, with the scene of Frank's bedroom where he receives a text message from someone saying he needs to visit the boss tomorrow. A zoom is used here, to signify the text message and as well as the fact that it is going to built suspense and tension, it also signifies how important this moment is, in the opening scene.

We then use a point of view shot for the scene where Frank makes his way to the boss' house and  our titles will be introduced here too. Here as Frank breathes in the cold air, as a part of our titles the smoke the breaths out, changes into writing informing the audience of the directors etc.

The last scene involves Frank being in The Boss' house where the two have a conversation about Frank doing a favour for The Boss. Here mise-en-scene is used with envelops containing photos of Frank's friend, and the a piece of paper in the other stating that he would be next? Here along with out footage finishing, so will our music in the background, and it will end with a child's laugh. Here the suspense and thrill would reach its climax and that would be a good way of ending the opening scene leaving the audience, thrilled, and eager to find out what goes on next.

24th January 2013 (David)

Today we watched a short film to understand the difference between short films and opening sequences. Understanding how to make an opening sequence, without accidentally making it seem like a short film. Suspense is very important in our thriller opening scene, especially because nobody dies.

Using Garage Band, Antonio can make a sound track to be a sound bridge for the majority of the scene. Which will hopefully create suspense.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Animatic Storyboard (Ricardo,Akshay,David)

In today's lesson I had successfully filmed the storyboard on my phone since the last blog was posted, so today was just a matter of bringing it in and syncing it up to the mac-computer ready for animation. Myself, David and Akshay sorted any technical ascpects of the animatic story-board that needed to be included, such as soundtrack or sound effects for scertain scenes.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Adjusting the Storyboard (Ricardo)

Today I  re-designed and re-drew our story-board as we adjusted and fixed a few problems that we had with our previous story and the previous story-board. E.G. Camera Shots, Positioning of Characters etc.
Next comes making our improved story-board, into an animatic story-board, I will film the story-board on my phone and then our whole group will be able to animate and edit it.


In today's lesson Ricardo and I wrote an official list of shots to use for our induvidual clips. We did this so when we are filming we can save ample time discussinbg and doing shots.

AARD Production Intro Survey (Akshay)

Today in class i went around showing other members of our Media Class the two intros i had created for our group AARD Productions.

I asked people what they liekd about both intros and which one theyv thought was overall a better intro to have for our group.

Many people had said the more futuristic intro where the characters of our name transform in is a much more eye-catching intro which linked much more to a thriller theme.

So in the end the majority of the class said they liked this intro and we also decided it linked so much more to the thriller theme, so we picked it instead of the more colorful intro.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

17 January 2013 (David)

Today we are using Garage Band and Adobe Premier to edit our thrillers, Akshay is configuring some of the clips we filmed prior. Antonio is on Garage Band editing some original music for our individual clips.

Today's Lesson (Akshay)

Today each member in our group had a different task to carry out again:

Antonio & David- Were working on GarageBand experimenting with different types of music and musical effects. Eventually they would then work on creating a track for our opening scene.

Akshay- My job was today was to blog and carry on analyzing other opening sequences to help and give me and hem my group ideas on editing.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Today's Lesson (Akshay)

In todays lesson each member of our group had a specific task to complete.

Akshay- My task was to blog about what task each person in our group was carrying out.

Ricardo had finished the moodboard in detial.

David & Antiono were filing out the production sheet, regading what times we were filming, when we took breaks and the diffferent locations we were filming at.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

AARD Productions Intro 1&2 (Akshay)

For our production intro I decided to create two intros for AARD Productions, then after discuss with the group which one they thought fitted out piece best.

The first intro I created was quite a colourful intro which I wanted to make people think "wow" when they saw it, I used a various number of highly professional plugins such as Optical Flares and Particular. These two plugins in particular would give the intro a massive uniqueness about it because of the way the words moved and how the came into the picture in the first place.

There will be 2 screenshots showing my work area (project) when creating this intro, which will also have a description below the picture of what I was working on at the time of the picture, the finally the intro itself will be after following the screenshots.


This first screenshot shows one of the few compositions i was working on which made up the intro. This composition had the various "Particular" plugin effects on it which helped the particles of the intro come into the picture.


This screenshot shows the intro further in progression with the fast blur and linear wipe added to it. These two effects allow the actual text to appear in the smooth motion it does.

The Intro 1 Itself

This is the actual video for the first intro I created.

For the second intro I created, I wanted to present something which would really link to the piece we were doing which is a thriller. i wanted the colours to be dark but have a gloss to them which would help attract users into watching the rest of the opening sequence. For this intro I used effects such as Twitch and Light directions with finally a small pinch of colour correction to the text to make it look like a thriller intro.


This shows the overall main composition of the intro 2 project. It shows the various effects used such as Twitch, Colour Corrections and some Light Movements.

The Intro 2 Itself

Overall our groups final decision was to pick the second intro for our piece and also for AARD Productions.
We chose this one because it easily linked to the thriller theme much more than the first one which was more linked to a happy colourful theme. Also we felt that it was much more unique and no other group would have anything like it.